IRC:copy-paste [2019-10-27]

using the mouse

Copy text from the IRC to your terminal:

  1. mark text/commands with your mouse
  2. right-click into terminal -> select paste

Copy text/urls displayed from terminal to IRC:

  1. mark text in terminal with your mouse, right-click -> select copy
  2. right-click into hexchat input-field -> select paste

using the keyboard

Copy text from the IRC to your terminal:

  1. mark text/commands with your mouse
  2. activate terminal -> press SHIFT+CTRL+v

Copy text/urls displayed from terminal to IRC:

  1. mark text in terminal with your mouse, press SHIFT+CTRL+c
  2. activate hexchat (edit field should have focus) press CTRL+v


share output with IRC

To share longer output with others use for example (see note-1). Place your output there, press the "Paste it"-button and share the created url with the people at the channel to give them access to it.

If you want to share out directly at IRC: avoid to paste more than 3 lines, as this is seen as "flooding" / "disrupting" the channel. If you are exceeding predefined limits, mintbotd will mute (block) you for about 1 minute to stop you from flooding the channel; you wont be able to write at the channel for this period.

To make your life a bit easier, supporters will often ask to execute commands ending in "...|nc termbin 9999".

This is used to direct the output of the first part of a command to a paste-service = not having to copy terminal-output there manually, but showing you a shareable url directly.

You are the first one able to see/use the created url - which you should share with supporters at IRC to give them access to the requested information.


If you are using hexchat IRC client, it's enough to mark text there, to get a copy of it to your clipboard.

terminal - hotkeys

The behavior of a terminal regarding the usage of common hotkeys for copy&paste is a bit unexpected for new linux-users. As CTRL+c is already used in terminals to abort running commands, one has to use: SHIFT+CTRL+c instead to copy marked text from the terminal to the clipboard. And to keep the hotkeys consistent you have to use SHIFT+CTRL+v to paste text from the clipboard to the terminal.

Related information

IRC:inxi.htmget ( & share) system information

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note-1: not tracking does mean too - we are strictly NOT using direct external links within the content = we bother you having to copy&paste offered URLs